Nov 19: Youth Leadership, Interact Silent Auction Nov 23, Bi-District Conference Recap

This week’s speakers will be Malin Eidenbenz and Annabelle Rosette, who will share their experiences with Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) and Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE). If you can’t attend in person, please join us on Zoom.

Interact Silent Auction Nov 23

The Los Alamos High School Rotary Interact Club is hosting a silent auction supporting a local anti-human trafficking program called Vos Tambien! The event will be on Saturday, November 23, 6:30PM to 8PM at Fuller Lodge! There will be a guest speaker, a live string quartet, baked goods, and hot chocolate! Many local businesses have donated coupons and products to auction off, so this is your chance to get lucky!

Bi-District Conference Recap

This past weekend, I attended our Bi-District Conference in Juarez, Mexico to see what’s new with our southern neighbors in District 4110.

Friday’s icebreaker was an opportunity to meet new members and reconnect with old acquaintances over glasses of sotol, Chihuahua’s agave-based social lubricant. The conference ceremonially opened with a warm welcome of the conference back to Mexico and exchange of gifts between District Governors Sergio Tejeda and Yasser Murga.

After the opening ceremonies, it was off to the dinner hall where members traded flags of their home countries and were treated to a mariachi performance.

I shared a dinner table with our District 5520 Immediate Past Governor Richard Haas, Truth or Consequences Club President Stephen Buckley, and members of the Monclova Club in Coahuila, Mexico.

At Saturday’s Project Fair, the Monclova club presented their work providing purified water to schools in their hometown. Many students in their community suffer from diabetes and other health effects due to drinking sugary drinks because there is no safe water available to drink in their schools.

Other Global Grant projects included the prevention of Rickettsial (tick-borne) disease, improving math education through gamification, a sensory chamber for children with neurological impairments, and cooling chambers to reduce the harm of oxygen deprivation in premature births. Other projects included providing cataract surgeries, meals for afterschool programs, orthopedic surgeries, wheelchairs, heart surgeries, and an ambulance to communities in need. More details about these projects can be found at

There’s a big world of Rotary outside of our club. Here’s some links to learn more:

Meals Of Hope Packs 25,000 Meals!

Thank you to everyone who came to Meals of Hope! Here are some photos from the event.

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